Drame Series – 6 episodes
Season 1 now on
Season 2 in Development.
—-Meet our Team of Producers—-
Waltraud Ehrhardt
Writer/Producer and co-founder of Good Karma Fiction
MA International Relations and Economics. Starting off as a journalist Waltraud soon turned to films. After producing and directing fiction and documentaries in Europe, Africa, Asia, the Pacific and North America, Waltraud focused on scriptwriting and created and wrote numerous successful shows for German and Swiss TV-Channels.
MA International Relations and Economics. Starting off as a journalist Waltraud soon turned to films. After producing and directing fiction and documentaries in Europe, Africa, Asia, the Pacific and North America, Waltraud focused on scriptwriting and created and wrote numerous successful shows for German and Swiss TV-Channels.
Ravi Karmalker
Producer/Director and co-founder of Good Karma Fiction
Upon completing a degree in the History of Arts, Ravi directed theatre plays and trained approximately 150 actors in Method Acting. From 1995, as a Radio- and TV reporter for Europe’s biggest National TV and Radio stations WDR (German National Broadcaster) he produced over 1000 features on cultural and social topics. Since 2002, Ravi has produced and directed numerous award-winning TV-documentaries and docufiction for major German TV-Channels.
Upon completing a degree in the History of Arts, Ravi directed theatre plays and trained approximately 150 actors in Method Acting. From 1995, as a Radio- and TV reporter for Europe’s biggest National TV and Radio stations WDR (German National Broadcaster) he produced over 1000 features on cultural and social topics. Since 2002, Ravi has produced and directed numerous award-winning TV-documentaries and docufiction for major German TV-Channels.
Peter Obrist
Writer/Producer and co-founder of Good Karma Fiction
Trained at London International Film School, Peter looks back on many years of producing fiction and documentaries in Europe, Africa, Asia, the Pacific, and North America as well as on creating and scriptwriting numerous successful shows for German and Swiss TV-Channels.
Trained at London International Film School, Peter looks back on many years of producing fiction and documentaries in Europe, Africa, Asia, the Pacific, and North America as well as on creating and scriptwriting numerous successful shows for German and Swiss TV-Channels.
Contact Us
Good Karma Fiction TV- & Film production Company
Berlin – Nairobi – Cologne
Background Image Credit:
Southlondoneye (talk) 20:30, 29 March 2015 (UTC) [CC BY-SA 3.0], via Wikimedia Commons